
NB: you must swim wearing close-fitting swimming trunks only. Swimming shorts are not allowed.
The number of available lanes per swimming pool is given in the table below. These are always subject to last-minute changes. To ask about the most recent availability you can always call our reception.
Opening hours public swimming
Competition pool
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday you can swim from 15:30 hrs in our 25-metre lanes. Before 15:00 hrs the swimming pool lies in 21-metre lanes. On Wednesday you can swim in our 25-metre lanes from 12:30 hrs. During school holidays, on Saturday and Sunday the competition pool lies in 25-metre lanes the whole day, exception being made for events only.
* PP = play pool. This means that the whole target group pool or a reserved part of 5 lanes in the competition pool is for the children.
The figures given in the table below always give the number of available lanes for the public during the specific periods of time. The table is adapted each week. An average table is produced during the holiday months.
Target group pool
NB: From 20 July a play pool is organized in the target group pool again on weekdays (Mon-Fri) between 13:00 and 17:00 hrs.
* PP = play pool. This means that the whole target group pool or a reserved part of 5 lanes in the competition pool is for the children.
The figures given in the table below always give the number of available lanes for the public during the specific periods of time. The table is adapted each week. An average table is produced during the holiday months July and August.
Recreation Pool
NB: Our recreation pool reopens from 20 July.
During weekdays (Mon-Fri) between 11:00 and 13:00 hrs the recreation pool or part of the recreation pool is reserved for groups.
The recreation pool undergoes maintenance on Wednesday morning. This may result in the recreation pool opening somewhat later.
The recreation pool may be busy during school hours.
On Friday evening the swimming pool gives lessons in water accustomization. The 60 cm deep part is not accessible from 16:15 to 19:15 hrs. The 20 cm and 40 cm deep part remains accessible.
Tips voor bezoekers (zowel individueel als in groep)
Plan je een bezoekje aan ons domein? Hou dan zeker rekening met de volgende tips:
- Denk eraan om vanaf de paasvakantie tot en met 31 augustus je identiteitskaart mee te brengen. Vanaf 12 jaar is het verplicht om je identiteitskaart bij je te hebben. Zonder identiteitskaart krijg je geen toegang tot het domein. Een rijbewijs, studentenkaart, bibliotheekpasje of iets dergelijks kan helaas niet als identiteitsbewijs aanvaard worden.
- Het domein is gesloten tijdens de kerstvakantie. Meer informatie over onze collectieve sluiting vind je bij praktische informatie.